Growing At-Risk Medicinal Herbs, Cultivation, Conservation and Ecology by Richo Cech


This book is about plant conservation through cultivation. These plants are becoming rare because their native habitat is shrinking and because they are challenging to grow. Growing "at-risk" medicinal plants depends on conserving or creating the environment that harbors them. It is my sincere hope that gardeners and conservationists will use this book to help preserve wild places and as solid ground for fostering and protecting our irreplaceable native medicinal plants.

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This book is about plant conservation through cultivation. These plants are becoming rare because their native habitat is shrinking and because they are challenging to grow. Growing "at-risk" medicinal plants depends on conserving or creating the environment that harbors them. It is my sincere hope that gardeners and conservationists will use this book to help preserve wild places and as solid ground for fostering and protecting our irreplaceable native medicinal plants.

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